Faculty of Administration and Business & Faculty of History
Center for Administrative, Cultural and Economic Studies
Higher Education in Socialist East-Central Europe. Economic Planning, Fields of Study, Human Capital Formation
(Bucharest, November 15-16, 2013)
International conference in the framework of the project Economic Planning, Higher Education, and the Accumulation of Human Capital in Romania during Communism (1948-1989) supported by grant number PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0476 of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, CNCS – UEFISCDI, and by the University of Bucharest
Friday, November 15, 2013
14:00 – 15:00
Welcome & General Remarks
15:00 – 16:00
Opening lecture: Robert Reisz, West University Timisoara: The transformation of academic education in the German Democratic Republic
16:00 – 16:15
Coffee break
16:15 – 18:30
Session 1: General Patterns and National Specificities of Higher Education in Socialist Systems
Chair: Bogdan Murgescu, University of Bucharest
Lazăr Vlăsceanu, University of Bucharest, and Marian-Gabriel Hăncean, University of Bucharest: Human capital for a planned economy? Rotations of correspondence and unintended consequences;
Bogdan Florian, the National School of Political Science and Public Administration/SNSPA, Bucharest: Exploring the communist higher education system: Contributions towards a theoretical framework;
Dragomir Bondžić, Institute for Contemporary History, Belgrade: Higher education in Socialist Yugoslavia 1945-1965: Between ideology and reform;.
Virgiliu Țârău, „Babes-Bolyai” University Cluj-Napoca: Systemic lacks in the Romanian Universities in the first decade of the Communist rule;
Vlad Paşca, University of Bucharest: The Pattern of higher education planning in socialist Romania (1950-1975): Some remarks on the long-term planning model.
Dinner [Venue: Casa Universitarilor, Dionisie Lupu street, no 46].
Saturday, November 16, 2013
09:00 – 11:15
Session 2: Determinants of Access to Higher Education
Chair: Jan Sadlak, IREG Observatory, Paris
Cristian Vasile, “Nicolae Iorga“ History Institute, Bucharest: A Few Remarks on Legislative and Financial Situation of the Communist Educational Policies, 1953–1965;
Sergiy Kurbatov, Institute of Higher Education, Kyiv and the University of Uppsala: Before Massification: Access to university education in Ukraine in the years 1950s-1980s;
Corina Doboş, University College London and the University of Bucharest: The economic efficiency of the Romanian higher education system at the end of the 1960s: A demographical perspective:.
Bogdan Murgescu, University of Bucharest: Demography and politics in the allocation of study places for higher education in communist Romania in the 1980s;.
Matei Gheboianu, University of Bucharest: The study places cuts in Romania: Case study of the academic year 1982-1983.
11:15 – 11:30
Coffee Break
11:30 – 13:30
Session 3: National and Field-Specific Issues
Chair: Lazăr Vlăsceanu, University of Bucharest
Igor Czernecki, University of Warsaw: America and Human Capital Formation in Communist Europe – Aspirations, Reactions and Results;
Zoltán Rostás, University of Bucharest: The Academic sociology from Bucharest: From ostracism to the restart of teaching in the 1960s;.
Andrei Florin Sora, University of Bucharest: The dynamics of „sub-engineer” courses in communist Romania (1968-1989).
Valentin Maier, University of Bucharest: Contributions to the artistic higher education in Romania between 1947 and 1989.
13:30 – 14:30
Lunch [Venue: Facultatea de Istorie, Bd. Elisabeta 4-12, room 105]
14:30 – 16:15
Session 4: Universities and the Economic Integration of
Chair: Sergiy Kurbatov, Institute of Higher Education, Kyiv and the University of Uppsala:
Nikola Baketa, University of Zagreb: Disintegrated universities and long-standing problems: the Universities of Zagreb and Belgrade in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and today;
Valentin Vasile, The National Council for Study of the Securitate Archives, Bucharest: The relationship between higher education and workforce in socialist Romanian industry: Case-study of „23 August” Factory;.
Marius Cazan, University of Bucharest: Centrally-planned allocation of higher education graduates in Romania;
Mirela Rotaru, University of Bucharest: Distribution and integration in the production units of the graduates of the Bucharest University in the 1980s.
16:15 – 16:30
Coffee Break
16:30 – 18:00
Final Session and General Discussion
Chair: Robert Reisz, West University Timisoara
Observations and Comments: Jan Sadlak, IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence, Paris: Accommodating the past: What could be learnt from studying higher education in “socialist” East-Central Europe
General Discussion – What Next?
Dinner [venue: Casa Universitarilor, Dionisie Lupu street, no 46]